Dear Alessia 072821

The weirdest part of this time

good god!
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it again!

People are divided as like nothing I’ve ever seen before.

George Orwell said
In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

And that sounds romantic and heroic and even fun in some way but the truth of it has been painful.
Exhilarating sure
But painful

I didn’t set out to be a revolutionary
I set out to make some obvious points and protect some kids with the secret intention
Of protecting many. And not just kids

The truth about things was/is rather obvious and in spite of a giant campaign (very effective) the truth is flourishing and expanding
Or blossoming like a strange flower
It won’t be submerged
No way that it can be

A famous actor collapsed on set yesterday and was rushed to the hospital
His second to most recent post on social media is a virtue signal about being double jabbed. He is not unique in this regard. The injured are countless. The dead are climbing.

They’ve done a great job submerging these things to create plausible deniability to some
But too many
We see right through it
And the more of these famous cases that collapse
The more people on the fence will wake up
The truth can’t remain submerged much longer if at all
And they are getting desperate to inject everyone under the guise of public health
But that’s a joke to so many
So many wide awake to the reality of the situation
The only question we have
Is how forceful they are willing to become
And if they implement military force what the pushback will be from humanity
Already there are massive protests all over the world.
If they start trying to take people into camps
I think something like a civil war would break out.
They are certainly amping up the threatening language clearly alluding to realities such as these
Which should also act as alarms for those who are still asleep. No part of this is normal or ok.
And those pretending that it is are running out of steam whether they know it or not.

But pride and cult like allegiance to a narrative perpetuated by the very people who will gain enormous wealth and power from this shot
Will mean many will deny the reality of the situation all the way to oblivion.

Never before has an issue been so divisive
Families and friendships torn apart
The reintroduction of segregation into our society
Not by racial differences
But by vaccine status differences this time
However the most “vaccine hesitant” group happens to be African Americans and then the Latin community coming in second. So the new segregation will look a bit like the old one sprinkled with white people like salt on a dish of hate.
Even using the word segregation is a cancelable offense
According to some thought police who are deciding to make this whole time even more like 1984 by outlawing words
Making it offensive to even describe what’s going on.
But dividing people by race or by vaccine status is simply called what it is called
And there aren’t really synonyms which do it justice
Separatism doesn’t quite cut it
I guess
By any other name
I called it what it was and got raked over the coals pretty good
But the truth always sets you free
And the truth has led me here now
Writing to you like this
Rather than making social media posts
Which will be deleted and shadowbanned
Whenever big brother says so.

So for me it’s privilege to be here
Like this
Writing to an audience of one.
I’ve never felt so inspired to be honest.

Finally what’s most important is that you hang onto your voice
Your mind
Your right to say it how you see it
Inspite or maybe because of the hysteria of the crowd.
To write against the flames of a world burning down
Words are spiritual weapons
Which is why they want to take them away
And they want you focused on numbers
And acceptance
Social media is like a training ground to instill that insatiable desire
But blessed are the meek
Blessed are the shadow banned
And no weapon formed against us shall prosper
Because when they deflate you
They liberate you
Their world is a slave ship
And so to be thrown off is a blessing
But only if
You find a life raft
A reason to live
Someone to protect and care for
You are my life raft.

And your mama’s too
It’s 505 am. I been up since 2
That’s the problem with fasting
Sleep is brutal and there are more hours to get through
Not eating.
Your body healing from the fast
Isn’t as dependent on sleep and because of that
Though I’ve barely slept I’m wide awake.
Your mama woke up too I sang to you and you responded
We laughed.
And an important character from her past reached out to me

Turns out you are quite the galvanizing force in both of our lives
Engaging us to heal ever deeper wounds
To find avenues of forgiveness
No weapon formed against us…

This time of division
Friendships ending based on an opinion about a jab
It’s ridiculous on some level
And also welcome
Because if people are willing to let you go
Based on your beliefs
Then really the sooner you find that out the better.
And I don’t say that to be callous or cold
But rather to say it as it is.
I for one haven’t ended a single relationship based on people’s belief about this jab

But I’ve had plenty of people end their connection with me

Extreme reaction against diverging belief systems
Is evidence of a cult

I really don’t care what your belief is.
It makes no difference in the level of love I have for you
Until of course you decide that my belief system
Disqualifies me from your love
Well then I can still love you from a distance
But my respect does drain

Don’t mean to alarm you or wake you with a jolt. But if you hate someone for believing something different than you…you might be in a cult.

But playing into division is playing into the devils hand

Me and your mama just had a conversation about
And the power of forgiving
Especially those that have betrayed you.
Don’t get me wrong
Righteous indignation is tempting
And intoxicating
And even appropriate for a time
But to live in that space is like walking around with an infected wound
When you can frame the betrayals
As essential to your evolutionary journey
(Which all of them finally are)
You can claim responsibility for them
You can claim ownership to everything that has occurred in your field of consciousness
You repeat the mantra
I love you
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
And you don’t just say those things
But you feel them
And you say them over the spirits of the ones who betrayed you most
And then you transcend those betrayals
And you can live from inspiration rather than memory
And your world becomes flooded with angels
Just like you
Have come to me
And your mama

She said to me something about how you’ve already been such a healing force in her life which I can see is true
And the same goes for me
Let me say in advance
I love you
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you