Dear Alessia 100121

It’s October
And we are officially in your first fall of planet earth
The green leaves turn to orange and brown
And the earth turns into a Potpourri of new colors
The beauty of change
The sharp coolness in the air
The invitation to put on your favorite jacket
Or flannel shirt
Clothes start to matter again
Boots for flip flops
Chuck taylors and jeans
Jean jackets and hoodies

I had strange dreams and so did your mama
Mine were full of old friends I hadn’t talked to in awhile
Because of varied opinions about a product big pharma put out
Who new that so many would be divided by your opinion of a medical treatment
I woke up thinking
This is impossibly isolating for so many
So many are choosing more isolation
And trading in those needs to the metaverse
Their screen time breakdowns becoming more and more absurd at the top of every week

My brain has been largely liberated from all that
Not from discipline but from circumstance
Two big events happened on top of each other and that permanently shifted my attachment style
And mental health wise
Undoubtedly for the better

The most important event
Love explosion
Was you being born
And nothing even comes close
I still look at YouTube and crypto channels and what not
But sometimes I notice you next to me just staring at me
And I put my phone back down and stare back at you
Making new sounds everyday
We have abstract conversations
And those are more fun than anything on my screen
You know we love you so much I say
Knowing that words have power
I fill your space with loving language
And I see how you shift and react
There’s something in the energy around you
That communicates
Receiving love
This morning your sounds were on another level
You are straight up talking now but without words
But sounds that sound like words
It’s amazing how nuanced your communication has become in two months
It starts with silence or crying
And evolves from there
Now there is an array
Of signals and squeals
And a beauty emerging from your voice
The character of who you will become
Far away in the distance slowly coming into focus

Even when I run now
I don’t use my headphones nearly as much but prefer the meditation of my thoughts or breath
So that new inspirations can work their way in
Liberation from the device
Highly recommended
It turns the world into a two dimensional space
People locked in those screens become two dimensional entities
People are discussed and gossiped about with one or two dimensional words and characterizations
And the more time people spend in their digital cages
The more that just becomes reality
Maybe the AI takeover isn’t so much about making
AI more human
But making humans
More AI
And then we all meet in the middle

But the other thing that liberated me
Was my social media space
Becoming aggressive
Me finally not being able to hold back what I thought any longer
And just freed my voice
After the unsaid rules and regulations of what you were allowed to think and say just got too oppressive for me to play along anymore
And the realities of what they were suggesting became too absurd for me to just silently acquiesce and pretend like everything was ok
Namely when they started talking about giving the experimental shot to kids was when I couldn’t be quiet anymore
And beyond that it was all the information that the mainstream media was oppressing which I wanted others to consider or at least have access too
So I guess for six months or so I just spoke my mind
I guess I’m still speaking my mind
But not so much on social media
And not even obsessively in this blog really

The way I see it is
I feel like the information is out there
I feel like enough of us sounded alarm bells
That perhaps people should consider a few things which aren’t being publicly reported or allowed in the town square discussions before they blindly go along with an agenda propagated by the governments of the world and big pharma
Or institutions that in no way have earned anything like blind trust in the past.
But once you sound those alarm bells for a half year
You move on to a degree
Not in a giving up way
Just in a way that you find other avenues or ways to speak truth to power
Perhaps more effectively
Perhaps more subtly
And at a certain point you don’t want to say the same things over and over again into an echo chamber
After all
You do wind up playing into division
And for those that are going to investigate
The flashing lights around the words
You Probably Should
Have been flashing now for a long time

I don’t know what it will take for some people to stop blindly trusting the propaganda of the mainstream but I don’t think an Instagram post by me is gonna do it
Not anymore 🙂

My liberation from the two dimensional space of the digital nipple was accidental
But I’m glad it’s happened

The world we grew up in is still right outside
This morning I went to get coffee and eggs
Some cheddar cheese
And water

(Side note I make incredible eggs
I use ghee and cheddar cheese
Hot sauce and cayenne pepper. I’m gonna make a dozen for me and Anna as soon as I am through writing this blog. On my second cup of coffee now. 930 am. Massively blessed)

I went outside in the morning to get supplies for the miracle of a day we have ahead
Cryptos are pumping again
And the air outside is a cool crisp autumn
The shift from yesterday morning to this morning is noticeable. Summer is over

It’s your first autumn
The world dancing it’s magic for you

Halloween is coming up
Are we gonna let her dress up for Halloween I asked?
Your mama shook her head no

I already knew that’s what she would say so I laughed
Come on I said
Some of these things are fun
She said
The devil is fun sometimes
I laughed again

My grandparents pulled me out of school every Halloween she said
They thought it was an invitation of demons

I will say before this year
I was much less aware of forces such as these and the realities they play in our lives
We are fighting a battle against invisible enemies
I do agree with that
I do think there is a spirit realm all around us
And we are made flesh within it
Not the other way around

Still playing dress up is fun
Probably for you everyday will be Halloween accept Halloween

When I was a kid I dressed up like Casper the friendly ghost
It was one of those cheap costumes you got at k mart
With the plastic mask held on by a rubber band
And a plastic outfit which covered the front and was tied on by plastic straps around the back
Meant to go over your clothes
I think I was four
I took one look in the mirror and was terrified
I started crying
And had to be consoled

Maybe your mama has a point.