It’s amazing how the spirit revitalizes
When you align yourself
Under the weight
Of sending praise to Jesus Christ.
These times have shifted our focus now
And now we know
The score of spiritual warfare
When you are in a cataclysmic event such as this
When society is swallowing itself whole
While following in lockstep the greed
Of corporations and the politicians they control.
When people are willing to give up their sovereignty
To these corrupt forces
Which are obviously corrupt
Which are corrupt on the face of it
Like clown make up on a clown
And they ignore it
Surrender to it
And shame those that don’t
People are willing to surrender their souls
On a dime
Just for the alleviation of a fear that was implanted systematically
Which has its origins in the denial of Christ
You can break it all the way down to there
To the war that’s been here since the beginning of time
The gift of this time
Of this globalist agenda
This satanic agenda
Is it reveals Jesus Christ as reality.
It’s that simple
Driving back from the mountain
We picked up a professor of propaganda
That sounds like poetry
But I mean it literally
Before we left that mountain town
We got a call from someone who knew we were there
Can you give him a ride back to the city they asked
I looked at Your mama and said
Hey can we stay later and give this guy a ride
I would love to talk to him
She agreed. I said sure.
And just then we drove to the bbq place
until we found out it was closed and shifted to the diner.
Later that evening driving down the highway
Through the night
You and your mama were sleeping in the back
When a deer appeared in the middle of the road.
I’m a great driver. (I gotta brag on it cause it’s true)
That coulda been a catastrophe but I yanked the wheel the perfect amount
And just missed his frozen body eyes open wide mesmerized by the highway lights
Damn we all shouted
You woke up
What was that your mama said
We almost hit a deer.
Then your mama said I wonder if that was sent from Satan
She frames everything in her faith and that’s one of the many things I love about her.
Me and the professor considered it for a beat and both said maybe
I’m a Jew he said
But after all this I’ve become a Christian
I never thought I would say that he said
A real intellectual he is. 70 years old. And once a professor at NYU who taught propaganda.
(He told me the origins of that word come from the Bible)
His big sin was that he explained how the mask campaign was an example of propaganda (which it obviously is)
And a student demanded he be fired on Twitter
Or complained about what he was teaching.
(You wouldn’t want to teach the truth I guess)
And as he puts it. That’s not so bad
He said
I wish she had brought it into class instead of on social media but that’s not what the problem was
The problem was when the administration took the students side
Began a smear campaign investigation
And fired him then and there.
(These are the times we live in and yet every artist but a handful. Every artist or just about every musical artist Are all for censorship. Globalist take over. Mandates. Totalitarianism. Noam Chomsky campaigning to throw people in camps and let them get food however they can. “That’s their problem” These are the “good guys” it’s easy to see how Nazism prevailed for awhile from where we are standing here and now. It’s so easy to see. I’m disappointed in the artists most of all. The ones who’s vision was supposed to protect us. The ones who’s vision was supposed to have courage. They all either are dumb as doornails. Or evil. Or just cowardly on a crazy level. That’s simply how it is. And if this is revealed as the genocidal agenda many think that it is. What will Their legacy be? Zoom out five years. What will their legacy be? They have become instrumental in carrying this agenda home. Everyone who coerced their fans to take this shot. To normalize this shot.
What will their legacy be?
The professor and I talked the whole way back.
He explained what had happened to him
How it had taken a toll on his health and nearly driven him mad
I said how strange is it that we are driving down the road together
From faraway worlds
Both ostracized by communities which embraced us so long as we towed the company lines
And who tried to destroy us when we no longer could.
How wild that we are here together driving from a mountain town back to New York City
Both contemplating our escape from there.
The cities will fall to madness of food shortages and crazy levels of inflation
Basically robbing the poor and causing a wave of desperation like we’ve never seen before
As they create more joblessness by stupid mandates for a shot that is neither safe nor effective.
At this point firing half the police force. Fire departments shutting down
Healthcare workers fired in a supposed pandemic (as if that makes any sense at all)
If their was an agenda to create utter chaos and madness
Well then this was played and planned on a genius level
Genius of evil
It couldn’t be accident when every single piece of a puzzle falls in line as exactly as this one does. Could it?
And before you say that’s conspiracy
Nobody could be this stupid
Nobody could accidentally destroy a country
Like lighting a keg of tnt across the spirit of our society.
We are planning our escape
The deer ran out into the middle of the road
But we swerved and missed it
You better get your swerve on.
The professor explained to me more about propaganda and how he came to Christ
In the trials of these days
I’m a new Christian he said
So are we all I said
We prayed
It was your mama’s idea
Its always her idea
And I’m grateful for it
I’ve never done that before he said and it’s powerful
I said definitely the power of prayer is a glorious thing.
He then shifted gears and said I got a tip for you
Go to the Apple bank on 14th street
And convert as much as you can afford
US Dollars to Iraquis Denars
Right now you can get a hundred thousand for a hundred bucks
But there is a new leader and he wants to reboot their monetary system
So that one Denar is worth one dollar.
Basically it means for a thousand dollars you’ll get a currency which will soon be worth one million.
I said
Wait what?
Can you explain that again?
He smiled and started to repeat himself
We drove through the night
The city coming into focus
The future burning bright.