Dear Alessia 120521

We celebrated last night
We went to your grandparents in the city
Took the F train
Up to 23rd and bought chocolates at eatly
Because your mama says Russians can’t show up empty handed
Just before we left I gave myself a haircut
My hair grew long over this period of insanity
And it was nice to clear the energy
Kind of a celebration into a new phase
And I felt excitement and rejuvenation
As we rode the subway uptown
You demanding to be held most of the way
Or standing on my knees practicing a future
Being held and supported but fairly strong just the same as you wobble and then look with excited eyes
To get approval over the progress you’re making
Not much changes in human nature as we age
We just look in different directions for our sources of approval
It starts with parents
Then it Evolves to friends
And perhaps show biz or social media (they’re one and the same really)
And ultimately it winds up to God
To the creator of this whole thing
We wobble through stations then we look to the sky
Or to the heart of our fellow man
And ask in silence
How are we doing?
And where do we go from here?

Me and your mama are aware of how grateful we should be
The fact that we get along
And are surrounded by love

Your connection with your grandma is epic
As is how much love your uncle has for you and your grandpa Ron
As a father it’s wonderful to see
To hand you off so to speak
And watch you dance and bask in the light and love of others

Me and Ronny
Agree on so much about what’s happening in the world
Sitting there watching college football
And breaking down the break down in our collective worlds
This was Chanukah
We had lamb and fish wrapped in foil stuffed with rosemary
Lakas and these amazing jelly doughnuts that Anna was so excited for me to try
She wanted to film a reaction video. Lmao
We also had tiramisu and cheesecake
And then back to the couch
To watch football
Ronny made tea as well
And we lit the manora

New life
Your life making this such an energetic occasion
A child calls for tradition to emerge
To celebrate together
The potential of a profound love
Holidays are for children
And unify families
To help adults who are often broken by life
Come together and merge and mend in the spirit of love
To create a fortress of tradition for their young
And to honor God
Through the love of a child

We rode the train back
Your mama was gonna go to your grandmas with you but we decided to all hang together
You wanna come up with me she asked
I laughed and said no
I gotta launch these NFT’s haha

We rode home as a family
And you got grumpy which was fair enough
All that energy requires a respite
I held you all the way back to brooklyn
And you slept hard
In my arms
Not even waking up as we bought more food at the bodega near our spot
To continue our feast long into the night.

We spoke how the tides must be turning as we walked home
Me and your mama did
I said to her
It’s getting to be an uncomfortable thing for people to back (support)
Camps and all that
Endless pricks and all that
The constantly moving goal posts which move all the time into totalitarian control
At a certain point it becomes so absurd
That to back it makes people complicit with something not only ridiculous
But also something dangerous to be complicit with
It just gets like that after awhile
More and more people are seeing the absurdity of their freedoms wearing down
And how obviously dangerous and grueling that will undoubtedly become
Plenty of bands and artists
Have already backed the big brother big pharma machine
(Ironically even rage against the machine who are only now raging against the machine of freedom)
By only playing music to those who acquiesce to government injections. (How wild is that already?) but take it step further
Will they eventually only play concerts for people who celebrate internment camps?
I mean it just becomes crazy
One step beyond where we are
A step other countries are already taking
I guess time will tell who bows to the next level of oppression
Who stays silent
Who actively speaks out against it

I don’t think we are here on accident
And I don’t think this is just an inconvenience til we can get on with life resuming normalcy

On the contrary
I think this is the great reveal
And what we do and say here now
Will echo for eternity
This is Super Bowl Sunday for your soul

We wobble on our fathers knees
Then we look to his eyes
Expectantly and ask without asking

How am I doing?