I woke up in the middle of the night
In a state of defeat
Faith fell on its knees in the aqueducts of my soul
And I was pleading for purpose
But allowing depression and negative habits
Rob me of my fire
Rob me of the fight
It comes and goes in waves
It’s sporadic your resolve to take Goliath down
When the monsters of the world have knee capped you in a darkness.
The world is insane and corrupt
And it can get so disheartening that to even lift yourself up to try and change anything
Can quickly seem the naive dream of a fool
And on the way to attempting to implement change
It certainly will play out that way
Not always but Often
People who line themselves up with the forces of corruption are rewarded handsomely
And the ones who raise objection or concern
Are beat down and ostracized
My entire professional life has been robbed from me
And with no sign of it ever coming back
I’m forced to reinvent
Start over with a child to provide for
Learn new skills and dig deep
Meanwhile the world is waking up to the intense levels of corruption around this whole narrative
The Robert F Kennedy book on Fauci lays it all out
What many of us knew the whole time
Just how corruptive the motivation to inoculate the masses has always been.
Namely how the safe effective treatments were demonized and politicized into oblivion when they could have saved millions
And now you have voices from the left beginning to raise questions about all this
And where it’s going
Soon it won’t be controversial at all to question it all
It will become accepted and those that lined with the corruptive forces of government and big pharma
Will become ashamed of that alliance
They distance themselves from or attempt too
But the headlines will live on the internet forever.
Like a deal with the devil that betrays you when the gifts run out
This is all coming as plain as day.
My biggest sin is that I started saying all this about year too early for society to accept it
And so here I am at the rebuilding stage.
I have less tolerance for being silenced.
My spirit is in my chest kicking
And I have the benefit of nothing left too lose
At least professionally speaking
So I might as well charge forward without hesitation
Into the light of a new becoming
The cowards wil pay
(I just felt like writing that there)
It’s hard to explain
I woke up next to myself being buried alive
By own ambivalence
I saw the future of certain death
I saw
The cowards dance and sing
In the throngs of corruption and murderous industry
I saw the heroes of old become fallen and bleak
Born in the uSA but not worth a hill a beans
Rage Against what machine?
Rage against those machines? Is that what you meant
Lining yourself with the ones who line pockets by the blood of their brothers and sisters
And we are supposed to pretend we don’t notice?
We are supposed to puppet and chirp along
With propaganda and obvious lies
By media companies bought and paid for by the products they are shilling with no
Allegiance to the truth whatsoever?
I woke up all in or all out
I can’t skirt along the fence anymore or play polite
I’m just gonna say exactly how I see it from now on
Without hesitation
I’m done damaging myself in anyway
Or agreeing with my own cancellation
I’m gonna keep making music
Even if it’s only
For god
And my child
I woke up beside myself languishing in fear
But I’m done with all that
I’m dead already
So I should be as fearless as a zombie walking in the apocalypse
Humanity is walking through the rest of its ultimate soul
We are seeing who we all are
Under the extreme weight of fear and pressure
People revealing themselves is a good thing
But it sure is disappointing
So accept that fact and keep it moving
Don’t let the disappointments of the age wear you down
Or stop you
Don’t be so disillusioned that you stop
Fighting for what’s right
Have faith that God has you ever n the palm of his hand
And though you are living through torrents of insanity nestled deep in the upside down
It must be some kind of test for salvation
Or the ultimate journey of your soul
What else could justify it?
What else could make you live in the breast of failure
Falling into itself
Humanity clamoring to give up their rights
To institutions built on power and money
Bill Gates pays hundreds of millions yearly to puppet the media
Pfizer is making over thirty billion this year
But that ain’t the machine you’re raging against?
I’m sorry you gotta change that name it’s too ridiculous now.
Today is the day
The day
We change the world again
We don’t take knees in a day like today
Today we work hours
We listen to atomic habits
And go for a run
We cold shower again
And fast in the igloos of our mind
These corruptive forces are falling
And the great awakening has only just begun
Your smile Alessia
Is fountain of rainbows
A smile like that is enough to keep daddy going
To lay my life down to protect it
To protect your freedom to have it
I’d give my blood for that
I have given my blood for that.