Become a super conductor for strange light
It’s your duty now
When the will to live is under attack
You have to go towards the life affirming activities
Like a character in a video game
It helps to turn it into a game
To depersonalize and take the intense poetry
Out of it
The yawning nostalgia
Turn life into a Rocky movie
But not the first one or a good one
But a dumb one
Run the foothills of snow covered mountains
With dogs nipping your heals and hunting rabbits
Turn life into a gag and make a silly game of it
One you can win
And recognize you’re under attack
Recognize that primarily it’s your will under the deluge of grift being bombarded by the appearance of endless damnation
But life is much more than what’s going on here now
And you have to keep it in your view
That there will be another side to all this
Rectangles of hope falling in-line to build new foundations from which you can excavate a life and start again
So many have already gone completely insane
Announcing online that they are locking down again
Living in a state of perpetual fear
Significantly blind to what they ought to actually be afraid of
Or at least concerned
But Nevermind all that
Your job is becoming a champion of hoisting your will to live across the big screen tv of the world
It’s a video game
And you are player one
You woke up this morning and put a quarter in your head
The screen of your life lit up
And you went swinging on digital trees
Battling pixelated monkeys
And jumping over crocodiles
To find the celebration in it all.
The timing of the latest fear campaign doesn’t seem accidental
People accumulate love during these times
And they are also haunted by memories of past love now gone
Suicide rates tend to inflate over the holidays
I know I know it’s all a coincidence
All just accidentally evil to the max. Yeah right.
Just remember you are in a video game
It’s a simulation and your objective on this level is survival
Yesterday I walked you through Brooklyn
In the cold letting your mama have some space
Daddy daughter walk has become a ritual as of late
And I enjoy it
We walk along the water and it’s too bad you’ll be too young to remember
The epic scene of your arrival here
New York now feels like somewhere to escape from
The screws of division ever tighter
The light running out of peoples eyes
Glued to the media’s message that your neighbor is someone to fear
That there is always something in the air trying to kill you
And there’s nothing you can do about it
But listen to Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci
And here’s all your favorite celebrities who will
Echo that messaging
And here’s the voices of descent that we will destroy
Rinse and repeat
This week in New York
Has shown me that people will simply never question this
They fall inline with whatever agenda the media the government and big pharma tells them too
Whatever reality those institutions paint them into
They will simply fall inline without so much as a question
Two years after two weeks of flattening the curve
For them to even question these giant institutions
Makes you a complete lunatic
To notice how these institutions benefit insanely
Means you’re one of the crazy ones with a mind full of conspiracy
Trying to kill grandma
And they are unwilling to even question anything CNN or msnbc says ever
The right and the left are the same side
In play action drama
Called the illusion of choice
Anyone dividing the world on that spectrum is playing into a game control lined up by Oligarchy
The elite
Whatever you wanna call em
Like george Carlin says
It’s a big club and you ain’t in it
The so called liberals are authoritarian to the max
Concerned with your “safety”
As everything they do makes even having a will to live
A rocky level challenge
It’s beyond ridiculous
But to question any of it
Even slightly
Makes you the nut of all nuts
The loon of all loons
If you think Joe Biden is a liberal
You’ve been duped
He’s as alt right as they come
But not in the Jordan Peterson good way
In all the bad ways
The world is spinning on an axis of evil
Condemning itself to March towards the strangest of graves
A senile world leader
Hosting a vortex of slaves
Have I said good morning yet?
How rude of me
Good morning
I want you to transcend all this
I want you to see through it
All the way to the bottom
To see how if you can hold onto your voice
And your joy
And your connection to God
And the ideals of family which these thieves
Cast their hounds of hell on
You can view it all as a celebration of survival and inspiration
And uplevel the video game from jungle into space shooting asteroids with 8 bit guns
In their face
Player one you got this.
Prayer helps
And the habits of rejuvenation and joy
You can facilitate those too
You might think the world is out to get you
But it’s not
Just a few psychos in an ivory tower with strange ideas about their place in the world
And insane penchant for control
As if the truth is something anyone could wrestle to the ground
And tame to their own vision
Control and condemn
For awhile but not for long
For awhile but not forever
Go on a run today breath the sun into your bones
Call yourself player one
Shoot another asteroid into the mouth of a crocodile
And smile as you enter the ring of your survival.