From The TV To The Couch (The Power Of Observation)

From The TV To The Couch (The Power Of Observation)


What’s the problem?

The problem is, there are multiples of us running around,

Turning over the progress we make,

Vandalizing the masterpieces we make, and

Hiding them in the corners where we piss on the wall. (Psychologically speaking.)

Voices of deceit,

Repressed shadows,

Our rejected selves building a punk rock army,

That, at first glance, is leveraged against us,

Seemingly trying to take us out,

Seemingly demonic,

Seemingly all negative.

But let’s talk about the light side of the shadow,

Not the dark side of the moon (where we become comfortably numb), but

The light side of the shadow. (Where we become one.)

What if the shadow is our friend, and we needn’t had been so scared of him at all?

I mean, when you think about it,

The negative experiences in our lives turn out to be the most positive,

That is,

If we can land the plane into our purpose.

Here’s where a hippy might say,

“Everything is love.”

And maybe everything is ultimately love?

And I realize “bad” things happen here,

But we really can’t yet see the endpoint of our soul’s journey,

So who are we to judge the fuel that gets us down the road in the direction of our dreams?

In fact, letting go of judgment,

Letting go of the voices of fear,

Is all down to observation

And awareness of the inner workings of our consciousness.

To make the unconscious conscious,

To wake ourselves up!

By reframing reality as the observer of our thoughts,

Rather than the thinker of them.

It’s the difference between watching a TV from the comfort of your couch,

Versus being in the actual TV and on the show where the drama is going down.

If you’re in the show (in your thoughts),

You are unconscious,

You are overwhelmed,

You are led this way and that way,

Like a gerbil on a wheel called fear,

Subject to the whims of a damaged psychology

And/or demonic principalities.

(How you perceive the negative forces actively working against you is up to you because essentially it adds up to the same thing. I prefer to think of it spiritually, but really it’s both psychological and spiritual, and the cure is the same. It’s always the same. Observation.)

To observe,

You are now on the couch watching the TV.

The TV is your mind,

Or your thoughts.

And in this exercise,

The more time you spend on the couch watching the TV rather than being trapped in the TV, the better.

It’s the only exercise that asks you to be a couch potato,

And ironically, it’s the most difficult exercise for humans to do,

And the one most will resist into an early grave,

Or a life of being a slave.


Because we are attached to our egos,

And our egos are not our amigos.

We built an identity in our unconscious state,

That feels safe,

That feels like who we are,

That feels like us.

And we will protect that construct,

With everything we’ve got.

We will embrace its anger and its drama,

We will fight and succumb to its addictions,

And limitations.

We will tell its lies,

And made up stories of a past that were illusions anyway.

We will look at old pictures we took of it,

And call that us.

And we will be unable to really see that none of it was real to begin with,

But rather a layer or an illusion separating us from reality itself.

Reality, though, is us on the couch watching the TV,

Holding the remote control.

And enlightenment is realizing we can simply turn it off.

Turning it off through the power of observation and arriving into the now.

Into presence,

Into a space with God and the healing light of an infinite love.

It feels scary to do that,

Because who are we without the show?

We are nothing and no one.

We disappear on the couch, and it seems like nothing but darkness without the glow of the television set called our so-called old reality or identity.


Spiritual butterfly.

The couch is the cocoon.

The darkness is the death of the ego,

(The false self.)

Within the void, we know God.

As we grow authentic wings,

And actualize our true unlimited nature,

To emerge as butterflies.


The power of our imagination,

From the couch versus from inside the television.

From unconsciousness (inside the TV),

To consciousness (on the couch observing),

Is night and day.

When we are unconscious, our imagination is our enemy.

We not only believe the shadow’s voice

And the demonic principalities working within,

But we identify them as us.

We are in a TV show we mistake for reality,

When reality is actually us on the couch watching the show (also known as metacognition).

From inside the TV (thought identification),

We are subject to lives built from damaged psychologies and demonic infestation.

We are powerless to emotional states,

And we drive ourselves insane

looking for stability while essentially being on a rollercoaster of madness.

We spend our days,

We spend our years negotiating with emotional terrorists.

And here’s where the hippy concept comes in that everything is love!

Because the only way we make it from inside the TV

To onto the couch

Is when the TV show gets so painful

That we can no longer stand to stay in it.

So, in this way, the demons are our friends.

The shadows themselves bully us out of the show,

Onto the couch watching,

Practicing awareness,

Practicing reality.

Removing our participation from the painful illusion that we could have sworn was real.


And here’s where God comes in,

And how we turn the full power of our imagination

From an enemy into a friend.

Within the TV,

The imagination is a nightmare machine.

From the couch,

It becomes a playground from which we can build our dreams upon.

From within the TV,

We have no control of our imagination,

And we are entirely subject to its negative and fear-based whims.

From the couch,

We can guide and direct it.

We can utilize it to envision what we want to build.

The power of observation aligned with our imagination is the key to unlocking creative freedom,

And allowing the life of our dreams to emerge.