Dear Alessia 080621

You met my folks yesterday
They drove from Ohio
All the way to Brooklyn
My sister lives down the street and they stay with her and her beautiful family

We fell out years ago
But I’m hoping your arrival
Goes a long way in bringing us all back together
A little love seed
You are shaking in the morning
Arms as if jolted with electricity
Pump this way and that
Little legs kicking a thousand tiny Bruce Lees
Off the bed as if a tiny karate nation
We’re coming into attack
Your mama calls you
A kangaroo
Her beauty
Keeps deepening
She’s very beautiful
Like a painting come to life
And there’s something new in her eyes now
A deepening rose bud from the center of our cosmos
Something you brought her from God’s left pocket
A gift like a soul diamond
She’s worked so hard to be where she is with you
She started going to therapy
And then we started couples therapy
Communication is a complicated thin string
People dance on together
The potential to slip
And fall into the abyss of misunderstanding is great
Especially as humans aren’t known
To be emotionally and mentally well
Especially when thrown into the toxic environment of the world
So much of all sickness is actually environmental
I bring up the therapy just to say
It’s helped us a lot
We told a friend we were headed that way
And he looked aghast
You don’t need that
A relationship should be easy he said
But the thing is is our relationship has become what you could call easy since we’ve started that ritual
Of a weekly check in with a third party we trust
A safe place we can bring up issues we’ve encountered
And discuss it in this controlled setting
With someone who guides us through the complicated bits
Which thankfully there have been few of.
I could count on one hand the issues we’ve had since moving in
And bringing you here
With you coming the stakes were too high
To be flippant about us.
We became each other’s priority
So that together
We could make you our priority
In this jacked up world
We really do want to see if we can shield you from the pain coming in from all sides

You are this delicate little flower
Nestled between me and your mama
Protected by the bosom of love
And I for one am curious what a human could end up like
Who was raised without the poison coming through
The poison of abuse of any kind

Even electrical
Might need to move you to the country
As our cell phone towers
Bleed more powerful toxins than ever before
Through out the cities architecture of chaos
But 5G is one of those things that if you even mention it
You’re called a nut

The whole premise of the world we are in now
Could be undone by what’s known as germ theory

Which essentially means
Sickness is environmental
Not spread from person to person
A virus isn’t a living thing
But a shedding from a cell that’s in a toxic environment
That’s germ theory

Take a pond full of frogs for instance
Making noise all summer long
And one night the noise stops
The frogs are dead
You have one hypothesis out of three possibilities
Which is the most likely ?

One) the frogs have a strange genetic condition and they all died suddenly

Two) there’s a frog virus going around
One frog got it and spread it to all the other frogs who spread to each other and they all died.

Three) someone put DDT in the pond and they all died.

Guess which happened….

Here’s a hint
Three is correct.
And humans are no different
(Many theorize)
All pandemics humanity has endured have had
Strong environmental shifts aligning directly to them
The Spanish flu in 1918 came on top of radio waves being introduced across the land
The Hong Kong flu in 1968
Correlated with satellites
And now we have 5G
However you aren’t allowed to mention that
You aren’t allowed to explore that possibility at all

Am I saying I know this is the truth
No I am not
Obviously not my area of expertise and all that
However I am saying
It makes a lot of sense and on an intuitive level
It feels like the truth
To me but like I said I don’t know.
Should be allowed to be discussed
Should be allowed to be explored

Regardless of whether it is or not
The fact that any conversation about this angle
Is completely ridiculed
And shut down more swiftly by the thought police than just about any other idea
Makes me automatically all the more suspicious of its legitimacy.
And by that I mean ideas they shut down
Automatically gain credibility in this world. To me anyway.

Without censorship what is happening in our world
Would shift dramatically on a dime
And those corruptive forces angling for censorship
Know this

The LA Times has been interviewing me for weeks now
Preparing a story
Of me being one of the most outspoken American musicians speaking out against this whole agenda
The losses I’ve stacked
The attempted cancellation of my career
I like the writer
But with all these type of things
You are extremely vulnerable to their take
To their editors perspective
And in the end they chop the conversation
Whichever way they see fit

LA being a blue state
The “in group” of which states
Anyone questioning these injections
Is a complete moron
Or conspiracy loon
And probably riddled with disease both in body mind and soul
A low life not worthy of consideration
And probably demonically possessed as well

I wish I were kidding
But I’m not. Lol.

This is who I’m handing the keys of framing my story more widely too.

I asked the reporter
Am I gonna hate this?

He paused and exhaled
I wanna shoot straight with you
He said

You’re not gonna love it
You’re not gonna be giddy
He went on
But I’m not writing with malice
You will get the last word
But it’s not a puff piece
I will say my respect for you has grown when I expected the opposite
And then he said
You’ve made me look at this differently

I asked him
What he thought of what was happening in our world

He said
He thinks there has been a horrible pandemic and that doctors and scientists and good people have done the best they can to make it go away
To deal with something horrific.

But here’s what I wrote to Randall (that’s the writers name)
After I got home and thought about it
Thought about the division of perspective
The demonization coming from both sides

Here’s what I wrote to Randall.

Here’s how I see it Randall
Both sides of this debate are so sure they’re right
The face value side
Your side
Which states
This is simply a pandemic
And every measure taken has good natured people doing their very best
And what’s getting in the way mostly is just
Variants and
people who are fantasizing an evil agenda
In a rather unhinged and paranoid way and in doing so refusing a jab that is mostly safe and effective.

And there’s the other side

A side that sees a darker agenda of control and coercion a foot.
A side that sees no end to moving the goal posts and extending lockdowns and control
Mask protocols and endless shots
Which have a devastating effect on the human body mind and soul
Vaccine passports and social credit

That sees this whole thing as a way to cull the population
(Wildly dark but openly discussed in documents you can verify throughout time. i.e. Entirely possible)
And a way to implement draconian levels of control
Stripping away basic civil liberties
Bit by bit
Heading to ever darker territory
Ala the Slow boiling frog
And totalitarian tip toe

My problem with your view Randall
(And let me start by saying I hope you are right)
Far too much cognitive dissonance blooms when looking at the details
Of what has occurred here
In Alberta recently the courts decided they couldn’t prove the virus was real at all (look it up)
This isn’t conspiracy
This is documented
This happened
The vaccine isn’t a vaccine in any traditional way
There is no piece of a dead virus
Which when injected bolsters your innate immune system to help fight a virus
Which they still haven’t isolated
It’s experimental tech in phase three of trials
Not set for FDA approval until 2023
(Unless it’s rushed from this point but as of yet not fully approved)
And it’s already ineffective
In Isreal the numbers are telling the story with something like 85-90 percent of severe cases of covid being people who are double jabbed.
The cdc reporting 3/4 of new cases hospitalized in Massachusetts double jabbed
Many reports like this coming out.
Vaccines in the past were discontinued with very few deaths
Some Under 100
Vaers in europe 20k deaths reported
12 K in the US
According to Harvard studies this is a dramatically low percentage of what the actual numbers are. (One percent?)
2 million adverse reactions 50 percent of those are severe all
Shrouded in evidence and shenanigans that the numbers reported
Are much lower than the facts
The PCR tests to be discontinued in January (I believe) because they were discovered to be set so sensitively that they couldn’t tell the difference between COVID and the flu
Flu deaths went down to near zero when in years past were responsible for many thousands
And all the time we hear stories about inflated numbers
And basically all death naturally occurring now labeled as a COVID death
The narrative of fear being amped up and constantly reported upon 24/7 for the last year and half
With no end in site and amping up more and more
Suicides and drug overdose going through the roof
Children’s lives being ruined
Being made to mask up
Taken out of schools
Their social institutions gone.
When Fauci’s own emails admitted the ineffectiveness of masks
Echoed widely by scientists not invested in big pharma’s agenda
Who long ago compared masks
To a chain link fence attempting to keep out mosquitoes
Is what a mask dealing with a virus is like.
Nothing of how to build out God given innate and wonderful immune system ever talked about by the mainstream media
But rather taken down and censored at every step.
The footage of the injuries associated with the shots is endless
And disturbing
No one could watch ten or twenty of those videos
And happily line up for that shot and yet
The social pressure and censorship
Which are like the right and left hand
Of toxic relationship tactics
Are so over the top they’re absurd
From burgers
To lottery tickets
To lap dances
To joints
To booze
To doughnuts
To just straight up cash
To coerce one towards the injection.
Mixed with over the top censorship
The “disinformation dozen” is a group of dangerous outlaws
Aka doctors who champion natural healing modalities
We used to call em hippies
Now the government puts them on lists
And does press briefings about em
(And you think nice guys just dealing with a pandemic? Why then the terror of any alternative healing conversation ? Why the massive censorship? Why no briefings letting the people know the information coming in? Nice guys? Really?)
To the reclassification of safe immune boosting substances
Such as NAC
How does that make sense ?
These supplements which have no danger at all and have been over the counter since the beginning of time
(Now you need a prescription.)
And are known to boost immunity
Are now becoming difficult to get
Because it’s a pandemic?
How does that make sense ?
the suppression under threats of liscences being lost
Of harmless (way harmless compared to mRNA) and time tested medicines
Such as ivermectin
Known to be safe and effective
Thousands upon thousands testifying
To there success in treating this virus
Including Dr. Peter McCullough who said these deaths have been facilitated by a false narrative bent on pushing an all-new, unproven vaccine for a disease that was highly treatable.
He successfully treated his elderly father who had a horrible case of covid and survived it through HCQ and some other stuff.
But these conversations
And any mention of these medicines
Which have no downside
Are safer than Tylenol (by far)
Aren’t allowed to be discussed and get channels removed from social media if they are
Because why?
Because the good natured people fighting a pandemic are afraid people might get a stomach ache if they experiment ?
The data is clear
The tin foil hat belongs on anyone denying the effectiveness of these treatments
And yet all are banned

This is an example of why your hypothesis doesn’t tackle cognitive dissonance but creates a tidal wave of it
This is how we get to the truth
Our brains tell us by the level of scramble whatever hypothesis you plug in creates.

Doctors being banned for even suggesting early treatment

And then
Giving the shot to kids
Before long term data is understood
Soon to be Mandating it
In NYC and then I’m sure much wider.
before long term data comes in
Even as it’s ineffectiveness is being reported on by mainstream outlets and the cdc
And yet still mandates.
Kids who have a 99.98 percent survival rate of a virus with inflated numbers
Giving them
For that
An experimental shot
Highly controversial
With no long term data
I guess I said that but this stuff bares repeating
To work it’s way through the programming

Giving these shots to kids makes no sense and puts them in harms way
Many cases of myocarditis (dangerous heart inflammation)
Testimony of kids lives being ruined are not difficult to find
And yet the push for more shots in more kids
Younger and younger continues.
This doesn’t add up.

People marching all over the world
And you not seeing that anywhere but from my Instagram?
Massive rallies in Paris and the UK
Ireland and Greece
All over Germany and beyond
Tyranny already taking hold in Canada and Austrailia and Ireland
And we aren’t far behind
How long before another lockdown is announced?
You wanna take bets on that?
Goal posts moving yet again

You think it’s good natured people dealing with pesky variants propping up
But I can’t help think you are willfully in denial about the nature of what to me and at least half the world (more and more all the time)
See is clearly happening here
Due to the alarm bells of cognitive dissonance
Which just doesn’t add up
To the nice guy theory
Or even anywhere close.

None of this rings alarm bells
That something
Other than nice guys just dealing a virus as best they can might be the reality?
Way too much cognitive dissonance for that theory to do anything but scramble ones brain

Why is there no informed consent?
Why isn’t there a monthly breakdown from the government that is thorough about the injuries and death instead of censorship
If it’s nice guys doing their best?
There’s a lawsuit now because of a lack of informed consent
We’re you aware of that?
Also a whistleblower and lawsuit about hidden deaths from a lawyer out of Ohio #45k
And yet they want younger and younger children to get this who have virtually no danger of dying from the disease

The fact that half the population thinks as I do
Is also pointing to the fact that something is amiss with how your scenario doesn’t leave the mind at peace
If this pandemic was as deadly as reported
And if this vaccine was as safe as the billion dollar marketing campaign says it is
Why can’t they get people to take it
Without massive coercion?
And now the dismantling of society
And complete division
Stripping all civil liberties
And the rights of primarily minorities
If it’s nice guys doing their best
Again none of these things make sense
None squash the cognitive dissonance.

But all of them do
In the
People are up to shenanigans scenario.
Of them do in
Tyranny descending upon us
And government over reach
Absolute power corrupting absolutely
Absolutely no cognitive dissonance occurs when that is plugged in as the hypothesis

Side note.
Pfeizer has paid out billions in criminal claims over the years and
Dr Mike Yeadon ex Vice President of Pfizer is openly calling this a genocide
Have you seen him being interviewed on this
Or Dr. Geert Vanden Boschee
Or any of the other docs who have nothing to gain but everything to lose in sending these alarm bells off into this environment
Seek out an in interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon
And I think you will see as I do
A man as genuine as the day is long
Of extremely reputable background and sound mind
Calling it what it is from the vantage point of someone who could not be better informed
With no upside or agenda
Outside of a moral calling.
I could go on
So many examples
I could fill a book. So let me stop here.

But why are those of us who are pointing out these flaws in logic being demonized within inches of our lives?
Why are we not allowed to openly discuss
What is happening here ?

In six months more people have died from this vaccine
Than 20 years of every other vaccine given in America
A lawsuit against cdc fda
That drug companies they created their own adverse effects agencies
And a lawsuit with a whistleblower who has agreed to testify under oath that many many deaths have been concealed. #45k
Can guide you to more on that developing story

With all this we also have access to our intuition

Children suicide rates in 2020 up five fold

We know something is way off
Something different than just a pandemic and nice guys doing their best.

”We seek a free flow of information… a nation that is afraid to let the people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation afraid of its people”
(Pres. John F. Kennedy, Feb 1962)

Or to put it all another way
One side could be accused
Of being overtly naive to the possibility of evil
To the recognition
That genocides exist
And that we are possibly being led in that direction

The other-side could be accused of being overtly paranoid
To eager to lean into suspicion and seeing a network of evil that says more about their fragmented minds than it does about the nature of what is happening

But considering in the vortex of pressure coercion and social shame like we’ve never seen
The fact that’s it’s an opinion held by half the country and growing
Means it’s more than valid

How long will it take people to acknowledge that mandating an experimental shot at the same time the cdc is openly touting its lack of effectiveness in slowing the spread
Makes absolutely no sense?

As they demand people cover their faces again and socially distance
Going on two years in

I’d bet you a Bitcoin we are heading into another lockdown.

Think about it.
Turn off your tv. Look at all the facts
And think.

And feel.

And reason.

You can frame your piece how you want to
You can easily make a cartoon out of me

But history is also watching
I won’t in the end be the only one judged here.
And I’d bet another Bitcoin still that I won’t be upset at the stance I have taken in this time and in this place.
The truth will come out
And ultimately time will be the judge of us all

You say there is no directive from higher ups guiding the media

I say
Then why is there no fair and balanced news source anywhere
On any side
Why do they all blatantly lead with agendas?

Like I said to you
I respect you too

If I get the last word
Let my breakdown on the cognitive dissonance
Be the last word
Let your readers consider all of those points that don’t add up to the narrative being pushed by the mainstream

Don’t leave a single point out and then the piece would be fair and balanced.
Outside of that
I highly doubt it will.

That’s ok
I’m used to the upside down.
And it’s been interesting
Even though we see it differently
I respect you too. I wish people wouldn’t let this issue divide them
And insult each other within it.
That’s a mistake both sides are making.

God speed brother. God speed.


In the end
Even if we still disagree
Why can’t we simply understand that we have a different opinion
And keep the collective environments between us peaceful just the same
And by us
I Mean all of us
Friends and family shouldn’t be separated by a shot
And coercion to inflate that separation by the media’s dark heart.
The fact that this has become
An issue that divides and fractures people with the hammer of hatred should also be an alarm bell of sorts
If someone disagrees with my perspective
I don’t hate them
I can think someone is wrong about an issue
And at the same time
Love them like a brother.
And the counter of that would be
Yeah but your perspective puts people in danger
And my counter to that would be
As the world turns towards division like never before
And yours doesn’t?

I forgot to mention
Not a single mention on how to help people build innate immunity
Proper diet
Sunlight and the rest
But I’ve rattled on too long already

All the best my brother
All the best.

That’s what I wrote to him Alessia
I’ll tell you how it went one day.

By the way
The other day I was walking by a couple guys laying wet cement down on an NYC sidewalk
And it occurred to me
If they weren’t there I would write a name in it
That’s no different
I always did that
What is different is
For the first time
I wouldn’t write my own name
The name I would write now
Is yours
What a wonderful change that is
Liberated from your own name
Liberated from you being your own chief concern
I will say
The cavalier way I been laying it on the line
Concerns me to the degree that you’re here now
It’s one thing to risk your own well being
And quite another to risk your ability to provide for your child.
Bit this place won’t be worth much without freedom
And we are at a crossroads
Whereby you could still have the whole dream
All of the freedom to explore
Your heart and vision
To write your name in the streets of mercy.