Dear Alessia 121521

To walk by faith and not by sight
To rebuild and renew without fear submerging you in dust
To trust the process as the hornets of life
Surround you
To not be intimidated by the screams of your child
Either the joyful ones or the ones that come from pain
The weight of a human life on your shoulders
But we walk by faith and not by sight
And God will come through.

Don’t ignore the gifts all around you still
Don’t let the loss submerge your will
Adjust your systems and begin again
And lay the foundation of your dreams out brick by brick
You can do it and you’re not alone
Don’t forget to pray for guidance and understanding
Make yourself a system to plug into and then just follow the steps
Override your programs for laziness fear and procrastination
Stop walking down avenues of depression
Write a statement of war against fear
In beaches of your mind on the hot sands of time
Life is certainly a battle
And you can’t fight it depressed
But you can kickstart yourself out of that
Go on a run
And a cold shower
Set up the studio for real this time
Hit that meeting at 1230
And don’t expect results to fall over themselves looking for you
Do what you can to contribute to others
And rebuild a new system
Where you prioritize how you feel about yourself
And the work you can do each day to build towards
An inner freedom and an excitement for life again

The world continues to shift and perhaps
It’s coming around to letting go of division
And calming the psychosis of the age
Dr. Peter McCoughlah on Joe Rogan
Validating everything we’ve been saying
The dr who has written more papers on all this than any other dr. In the world
Beating the drum for treatment protocols on the biggest podcast in the world
And explaining in detail the misinformation
And dangers of the shot
On top of the break through cases and campaign for endless boosters

How long can this narrative last?
It doesn’t seem to be sustainable
A big March against mandates coming soon to DC
Robert F Kennedy’s book on Fauci
(Seriously ouchie)

The idea of a celebrity suggesting the shot now
Seems more and more ridiculous
And something which considering all the new information pouring into the mainstream
Is something I doubt many would mindlessly do anymore
No one wants to be on the wrong side of history
And we can see history shifting beneath our feet.
As Dr. McCoughlah said
We have the truth and the truth will win

Countless lives could have been saved
Had the agenda been simply to save lives rather than pushing a specific protocol

How great would it be if life could just go back
To semi normal?
Will I ever play a show again?
Or finish this album

The answer is yes
Because I’m creating a system
And I’m not focusing on results
But rather
Each brick one brick at a time
Improving the scene
By one percent at a time.

You can find these moments when you wish life would ease up
When you wish you could just relax
And lay into some kind of fold
But that’s never been what it is
It’s never been easy
And so why should it be easy now?

I just had to shift my perception
Being overwhelmed by it all
And regressing further and further into inactivity and doubt
Embracing the challenge and lifting off from here
Improving by percentages
And making this day one or day two
Of the excavation process
Of a life which almost got away


Set up studio
Launch NFT
Film life