Enthusiasm VS Entropy (the endless tug of war)
Entropy vs Enthusiasm Enthusiasm is the antidote to entropy. Everything just naturally moves to chaos and disorder. We don’t operate from a stationary foundation and attempt to ascend into order. No, we are all the time existing in disorder and chaos. But for our efforts to be born as new creations out of that […]
From The TV To The Couch (The Power Of Observation)
From The TV To The Couch (The Power Of Observation) What’s the problem? The problem is, there are multiples of us running around, Turning over the progress we make, Vandalizing the masterpieces we make, and Hiding them in the corners where we piss on the wall. (Psychologically speaking.) Voices of deceit, Repressed shadows, Our […]
Gamify Forgiveness
Love and Forgiveness is our superpower. We have the ability to radiate love and forgiveness towards those who would or are betraying us. And it can be difficult if you take betrayal personally, if you believe that there really are others outside of some reflection of you. If you land into the realm of egos […]
Does Music Have A Revolutionary Responsibility?
Does music have a revolutionary responsibility? Is music in its foundation, In its purest form, In the nature of existence and reality, A revolutionary act? A power chord! A high pitched scream! Or studied lyrics across a tv screen. Does music make the revolution, Or does the revolution make music? And why did the silence […]
Led Zeppelin Versus AI
Led Zeppelin versus AI Hiking by a creek in Sedona A little radio blared All Of My Love By Led Zeppelin And the whole scene was out of a dream from the 70’s A picnic blanket abandoned for water Toys and family life And evidence of young lovers And Zeppelin Still Led Zeppelin with no […]
Just Do It
We are all trapped in fear And trauma based limitations Fighting our way out of the molasses of the indifference of the world. Our key to escape ourselves Is to motivate to serve others Where we deflate and defeat our own egos as much as possible We get ourselves out of our own way By […]
What’s So Good About The Serenity Prayer Anyway?
I first heard the serenity prayer in Atlanta at some meeting for those of us trying to quit addictions. I was 20 and about to be 21 in four days when I would finally be of legal age to drink but my timing was off because I was about to spend the next few years […]
The Gift Of Suffering
I’ve been having this thought lately That so many of life’s questions can be answered based on this one Does life have a meaning or a purpose? And like the question Is there God or not? The answer can’t be known beyond our instincts and guts And maybe the nudging of our heart And yes […]
Questions For The Holy Spirit
Overcoming The So Called Failures of the past The past is like a gang stalking The corners of our lives The woulda Shoulda And coulda gang That aims to paralyze us And lock us in hidden rooms Where no one can see In order to perpetuate its energy Into eternity Who are we but liars […]
Judgement Versus Discernment And Finding An Understanding To Lean On
We could put good and evil On a sliding scale All the way over to evil is serving yourself All the way over to good is serving the other Fear and faith could be just underneath Fear obviously a motivation for evil And faith a motivation for good But the knowledge of good and evil […]